The overall goal of social impact is to put people in the best position to fulfill their potential and achieve wellbeing.
We provide our clients with insights to prove a service or initiative is effective at meeting the needs of the people they seek to help. Measuring wellbeing can help to maximise social impact by directing resources to the most effective use.
We work together to improve impact by identifying where to best focus delivery, resources, innovation and collaboration.
We help our clients understand their priority needs and the efficacy of their current wellbeing strategy including measurement of implemented initiatives in their organisation.
We help businesses move from survival mode through to stability and from there, we move towards growth and sustainability.
Mariana Mazzucato
Wellceum consults through Huber Social to measure social impact of interventions, programs and strategy through a data-driven approach to provide a roadmap of the needs of the people served.
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Using a standardised process, we establish a measurement system, collect data from the people directly impacted and employ statistical analysis to identify a shift in Wellbeing and the relative weighted needs of people to maximise this.
The Huber Social Impact Measurement achieves the following:
The Huber Social Wellbeing Measurement Framework recognises that the overall goal of social impact is to put people in the best position to fulfil their potential and achieve Wellbeing.
To measure the effectiveness of a social intervention, Huber Social measures shifts in wellbeing as well as shifts in capability and opportunity needs of people to inform how the impact may be improved.
The social value of the intervention is then calculated using the Huber Social Value Metric as to the product of the impact achieved, the relative need of the intervention and the reach of the intervention in terms of the number of people impacted.
For more information on the Huber Social Wellbeing Measurement Framework contact or